Sunday, August 28, 2011

On the availabilty of flies in the watering hole.

So recently I have noticed that there just aren't as many flies in my watering hole as there used to be. It is really getting on my nerves. I mean, I have to survive off of the nutrients that I gain from flies, so this means I have to find nutrition elsewhere. Frankly, I am not sure what to do about it. I could try to move to a new watering hole, but what if there are no holes nearby? I could dry up, or die crossing the street. I guess for now I will have to soldier on here.


  1. Nice story lol are you a real frog?

  2. yep. American bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. 2 years.

  3. mosquitos... what can i say? Its a love hate relationship for me. They sometimes come after me, but they are also a tasty treat.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Life is hard for a frog, especially with the recession going on. Good luck to you.

  6. That is because I capture all the flies hoping that you bimbo frogs will come on by my place so I can snatch you up and eat your damn legs........mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm frog legs

  7. Quack! Sucks being a frog right!?

  8. You think the legs are good? you should try the pussy, ribbit ribbit hahaha
